Open 2022 Application - Rugby Art Gallery & Museum
Rugby Open 2022
An exhibition of contemporary art
3 December - 4 February 2023
Rugby Open is back after a break in 2021 and once again we are accepting submissions of all the artwork applications for judging in person. We look forward to seeing the Youth Category growing and continuing to snap at the heels of the adults in the quality of work. We are delighted to welcome guest judges David Remfry RA, recently a Professor of Drawing at Royal Academy Schools and Ceri Lewis, curator for the Tate, London and the National Gallery of Scotland.
The exhibition is open to all residents of Warwickshire and its surrounding counties - Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and the County of the City of Coventry. Each artist can submit up to 3 forms of work (£7.20 entrance fee per work, reduction for 3 works). Entrants aged 14-19 years can submit up to 2 forms of work (£5.00 entrance fee or £8.00 for two) and will be entered into the Youth category. The application form is online but artworks need to be submitted in person for judging.
Please read the Terms and Conditions for entrance details and important dates.
The exhibition is open to all residents of Warwickshire and its surrounding counties - Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and the County of the City of Coventry. Each artist can submit up to 3 forms of work (£7.20 entrance fee per work, reduction for 3 works). Entrants aged 14-19 years can submit up to 2 forms of work (£5.00 entrance fee or £8.00 for two) and will be entered into the Youth category. The application form is online but artworks need to be submitted in person for judging.
- Overall winner: £1000.00 with an exhibition in the Floor One Gallery (see T & Cs)
- Youth winner: cash prize of £250.00
- Rugby Art Gallery and Museum's People's choice award - £150.00 for the most popular choice awarded by the public.
- The Arts Society Trophy
- Afternoon tea for two at Coombe Abbey
- Warwickshire Open Studios Emerge Prize - one year's free membership plus Summer Art Weeks 2023 membership. Total value £130. Also includes support finding a venue and mentor support through a network of established artists who will help the winner prepare for the Art Week.
- Northamptonshire Open Studios membership and entry into the September festival and central exhibition
- A £50 voucher for framing, art supplies or giclee printing from Picture perfect
Please read the Terms and Conditions for entrance details and important dates.
Application deadline has now passed
Rugby Open 2022 poster image credits of :
Left: Remember to wash hands, Lillie Martina Gardener, 2020 oil on canvas
Centre: Victor Zgircebaba, Self portrait 2020, map, pen and ink
Right: Michaela McMillan, Ecosystem in ashes, 2020, wood and paper
Left: Remember to wash hands, Lillie Martina Gardener, 2020 oil on canvas
Centre: Victor Zgircebaba, Self portrait 2020, map, pen and ink
Right: Michaela McMillan, Ecosystem in ashes, 2020, wood and paper