Tintype Trailer presents...

Saturday 9 September 2023
Performances between 10-10.20am, 10.40-11.00am, 11.20-11.40am, 1.00-1.20pm, 1.40-2pm

Presented by the creator of Professor Pumpernickel, this spectacular performance showcases the evolution of flash photograph.  Expect loud bangs, bright lights and a lot of smoke. Artist Michele Selway, will demonstrate how to make an authentic Victorian Wet Plate Collodion print, with the story brough to life by Alex Mannion- Jones. 

Free, no booking required

Cyanotype Workshop

Saturday 9 September 2023

Workshop 10am - 12pm, 12.30 - 2.30pm 
Free drop-in activity.

Explore the early photography technique of cyanotype. Have fun making a composition of leaves, objects and cutouts to create your own photographic blueprints.