Archaeology Talks

Rugby Archaeology Society hold regular Saturday morning talks at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum.  Talks are free and open to all (age 16+ recommended).   Please contact Rugby Archaeology Society for more details.  Talks are also available via Zoom.  Please contact RAS Secretary Dr Irene Glendinning to register .

Roman Villas and Peasant Farms
Peter Liddle MBE 

Saturday 8 June 10am-11.30am 

The study of the Roman countryside has concentrated on villas but they are not the typical rural settlement. They are greatly outnumbered by much simpler farms, typically built of timber or cob, and recent excavation of a sample of these has led us to a much better understanding of life in the Roman countryside.

Archaelogy talks take a break over the summer and will resume again in the Autumn.

The Use of 

Explore market stalls on a street in Tripontium and discover how the Romans lived and what they ate and wore. See for yourself some of the objects they left behind - such as jewellery, coins, pottery and ironwork.