Archaeology Talks

Rugby Archaeology Society hold regular Saturday morning talks at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum.  Talks are free and open to all (age 16+ recommended).   Please contact Rugby Archaeology Society for more details.  Talks are also available via Zoom.  Please contact RAS Secretary Dr Irene Glendinning to register .

What Lies Beneath: Excavations at Kenilworth Abbey Swimming Baths 2022-23
Bryn Gethin  

Saturday 11 May 10am-11.30am 

 The talk will be on the excavations that took place during the demolition of the old swimming baths prior to the construction of a new complex.  Significant unexpected remains of several stone buildings associated with Kenilworth Abbey  were found to survive beneath the  later buildings.

Saturday 8 June Speaker to be confirmed

The Use of 

Explore market stalls on a street in Tripontium and discover how the Romans lived and what they ate and wore. See for yourself some of the objects they left behind - such as jewellery, coins, pottery and ironwork.